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Here For You


I know the feeling of feeling like you have no one that can relate to you about your Epilepsy disorder. or the feeling of others telling you . how and when you should disclosed the fact you are a epileptic .

However, they have not experince the discrimination that people with a disability face in the working world such as employers only seeing you as a liability .

I started Eis4Epilepsy to help break stigmas and stereotypes of how a perosn with Epilepsy should look. I also wanted to explain that every person with Epilepsy do not have the smae triggers and especially educate that all seizures do not shake .

Eis4Epilepsy is also a Safe Haven- Think of Eis4Epilepsy more like a place where you have a support group and get to meet people like yourself.

E is 4 Epilepsy is not just a nonprofit, we are a family . Who can better relate to your struggle with living with all seizures .

Although, Eis4Epilepsy focus is on Epilepsy and seizures Eis4Epilepsy advocates for all disabilties. understand than people who have lived with the burden of epilepsy? We don’t just say that we know, just like you, we understand how you feel because we actually have been in your shoes. By supporting each other, we become stronger together. Epilepsy most definitely chose the wrong one. We got your back! Join the Safe Haven today by clicking on this CLICK HERE, or scanning the barcode below. Thank you!


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